Gettin’ Crafty: Fishing Lure Shadow Box

fishing fisherman excited silly goofy

This is what smiling in quiet satisfaction looks like

My boyfriend fashions himself to be a fisherman. In the summertime, he spends his weekends on lakes or at the beach casting and reeling, casting and reeling, usually not catching much but every once in a while smiling in quiet satisfaction when a kingfish or even a shark finds itself at the end of his line. Last spring, for the first time, Boyfriend took me fishing with him. It was my first time fishing — ever — and while I can’t say that I found the sport itself particularly entertaining, I loved all of the shiny, sparkly lures. So this Christmas, for one of his presents, I decided to craft a shadow box full of those pretty glittery fish-catchers (it’s possible they work for hooking girlfriends, too).

craft shadow box fishing lure fisherman art

The finished product!

What did I learn from this little crafting adventure? Well for one, cork is porous, as can be attested by the remnants of superglue all over my dining room table. Also, while superglue doesn’t adhere to lures coated in extra-shiny plastic, it does stick rather aggressively to fingers. Now that I’ve learned these hard lessons on your behalf, why not make a shadow box of your own? Continue reading for step-by-step directions